Distress tolerance scale simons and gaher pdf

Anxiety sensitivity, distress tolerance, and discomfort. The scale evinced expected relations with other measures of affective functioning, supporting its convergent and discriminant validity. Finally, the translated text was revised and given to two professors holding a phd in psychology. The distress tolerance scale development and validation of a selfreport measure. To index distress tolerance, simons and gaher 2005 developed a promising selfreport measure entitled the distress tolerane scale dts. The interactive role of distress tolerance and eating. It has 15 items involving four factors measuring the.

The effects of a hatha yoga intervention on facets of. In both studies, males reported significantly higher levels of distress tolerance than. Raluca simonss research interests include 1 risk and resiliency factors among oefoif veterans particularly the mediating and moderating mechanisms explaining the cooccurrence of ptsd and substance use 2 the effects of childhood maltreatment on emotional dysregulation, substance use, and adult interpersonal functioning 3 military sexual trauma mst, 4. The original validation study generated a cronbachs alpha for each of the four subscales at. The distress tolerance scale dts simons and gaher 2005 is a 15item self report measure designed to assess an individuals ability to experience and. Psychometrics and correlates of the distress tolerance. In our trial, internal consistency was good for dts total and most subscales cronbachs a. This scale was used to measure personal differences in the capacity to tolerate distress. The dts is a 15item selfreport measure, on which respondents indicate, on. The present investigation evaluated the factor structure of the distress tolerance scale dts. Psychometric properties of the spanish version of the distress. This scale was created by simons and gaher 2005 to measure perceived distress tolerance and the turkish versions reliability and validity were demonstrated by sargin et al. Distress tolerance skills are used to help us cope and.

Broadly, however, it refers to an individuals perceived capacity to withstand negative emotional andor other aversive states e. Distress tolerance predicts coping motives for marijuana. Simons and gaher distress tolerance questionnaire dts this scale is a self report indices that suggested by simons and gaher 2005 and has 15 articles and four subscales. Multimethod evaluation of distress tolerance measures and. The options in this scale range from 5 strongly disagree to 1 strongly agree. The goal of this study was to examine the psychometric properties and the factor structure of the spanish version of the distress tolerance scale dts and to test its relationship with psychopathological symptoms and personality. Based on this theorydriven approach, simons and gaher 2005 developed the distress tolerance scale dts, a 15item self report measure which, accordingly. Comparison of a single higherorder model and a hierarchical multidimensional model was conducted using confirmatory factor analyses cfa.

Evaluating the efficacy of treatment, based on improved. Its frustrating that i didnt get the job, but i accept that they felt someone else would be a better fit. Distress tolerance scale dts addiction research center. The role of distress tolerance in terms of anxiety. Criterion validity was supported by significant negative associations with substance use coping. Body imageacceptance and action questionnaire biaaq. Its important to use the right skills at the right time. Selfcompassion and intuitive eating in college women.

Smoking in response to negative mood in men versus women. It is, therefore, a construct that encompasses cognitive, affective, and behavioral features. Distress tolerance the distress tolerance scale dts. Psychometric properties of the spanish version of the. All the questions of simons and gaher s distress tolerance scaledts were translated and revised. The distress tdistress tdistress t olerance scale dts was developed by simons and gaher and consists of 16 items based on selfreporting.

Distress tolerance is defined as the individuals capacity to experience and withstand negative psychological states. It is conceptualized as being temporally stable and observable during childhood and. Behavioral assessment of emotional distress tolerance. Development and validation of a selfreport measure. Main and interactive effects of a nonclinical panic attack. Items on the dts are rated on a 5point likert scale with lower scores reflecting lower levels of distress tolerance. This study aimed to advance on prior work and test the possible etiological role of distress tolerance in. N2 this paper presents the development and validation of a selfreport measure of emotional distress tolerance. The distress tolerance scale dts is a 5point likerttype scale with 15 items. Overparenting, emotional distress, and subjective well. Find a pleasurable way to engage each of your five senses.

This paper presents the development and validation of a selfreport measure of emotional distress tolerance. Main and interactive effects of a nonclinical panic attack history and distress tolerance in relation to ptsd symptom severity created date. Baird1 and jasper smits1 1department of psychology,university of texas at austin, austin, tx, usa. Rosen, 1966, the measure of ambiguity tolerance scale20item. The dts includes four subscales, namely tolerance, absorption, appraisal and regulation. The aim of this study is to assess the reliability and validity of the turkish version of dts.

Distress tolerance has been associated with increased risk for various forms of psychopathology and maladaptive behavior. The dts is a 15item selfreport scale designed to assess the degree to which individuals experience and withstand distressing psychological states. More specifically, the dts measures perceived ability to tolerate emotional distress, subjective appraisal of distress, attention. Based on gross 1998 conceptualization of edt, the distress tolerance scale dts. Investigation of distress tolerance levels of university. Distress tolerance is an emerging construct in psychology that has been conceptualized in several different ways. In order to change a situation or emotion, we would use emotion regulation skills page 21. Confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis of the distress tolerance scale dts in a clinical sample of eating disorder patients. Multidimensional distress tolerance scale mdts was composed of 20 items with five items from each of the four. Anxiety sensitivity, distress tolerance, and discomfort intolerance in relation to coping and conformity motives for alcohol use and alcohol use problems among young adult drinkers anxiety sensitivity is the fear of arousalrelated sensations, arising from beliefs that the sensations have adverse consequences such as death, insanity, or social. A confirmatory factor analysis among daily cigarette smokers.

Journal of experimental psychopathology januarymarch. Distress tolerance distress tolerance skills are used when we are unable, unwilling, or it would be inappropriate to change a situation. Multimethod study of distress tolerance and ptsd symptom. Reliability and validity of the persian version of. Pdf the present investigation evaluated the factor structure of the distress tolerance scale dts. Participants rate items such as i cant handle feeling distressed or upset on a 5point scale 1 strongly agree to 5 strongly disagree. Anxiety, depression, and hiv symptoms among persons living. Then, the translated text was back translated, and the two forms was compared. The participant answers the questions of 5point likert i dont agree at all, i disagree, neither. The role of distress tolerance in terms of anxiety sensitivity among young adults with asthma talya alsaidhabia, b. Simons and gaher 2005 defined distress as a high level emotional structure that includes expectations and evaluations. Distress tolerance scale dts is developed by simons and gaher in order to measure individual differences in the capacity of distress tolerance. Criterion validity was supported by significant negative associations with substance use. T2 development and validation of a selfreport measure.

There is one total scale, and only item 6 is reverse coded. It has been developed by simons and gaher 2005 as a selfreport scale. Pathological worry and generalized anxiety disorder gad have been linked with low distress tolerance dt, although questions remain including whether this association exists independent of depression and comorbidity, the directionality of the relationship between worry and dt, and dts nonredundancy with other worryrelevant variables i. The dts is a 15item measure of tolerance of emotional distress. One hundred and sixty seven university students male66, female101 participated in this study. The effects of a hatha yoga intervention on facets of distress tolerance johnna medina1, lindsey hopkins2, mark powers1, scarlett o. Distress tolerance as a possible mechanism cameron l. Participants rate the items on a 5point scale ranging from strongly agree 1 to strongly disagree 5, with.

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